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report server custom security dataset model

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Dan on 02 Jun 2020 04:37:20

Hi Dev team. We have a very custom security model that we have made easy on our home grown solutions but it's hard to implement on top of row level security. My proposal is to allow use of parameters that can be used to filter the data with no tolerance. We build a lot of tools to take our geographies and customers in mind and can pull those datasets in to limit them and also just have a middleware api call from a parameterized selection to check if that username has access to use those parameters for a very simple "pass/fail" and use it to filter the dataset, so that we can still take advantage of the import model and staging our global data. While it would be something out of the ordinary, it could become a decent scalable solution for models that don't fit in the box currently. It would be fairly easy for companies to have their own api call that could return an enforced value from their own required parameter set and in return use those parameters to filter the data for that user. I would encourage a little out of the box idea to go very far in the long term here. It could really prove versatile