Rich on 13 Jun 2017 00:07:17
Users used to be able to create and edit a personal copy of a content pack. Now with Apps, users no longer have that ability. Please add back the capability for users to edit and personalize an App so that they can dig more into the reports without impacting other users.
- Comments (8)
RE: edit a personal copy of an app
Is there any update on this yet? Critical need is users to be able to pin reports to their own dashboards.
RE: edit a personal copy of an app
I ould love to see my users create their own dashboards from published Apps
RE: edit a personal copy of an app
I want to vote yes for this, but does the user making a copy create the requirement for the admin user to update both the user copy and the original data set? Also, is the copy a live link, or does it replicate the usage of storage space?
RE: edit a personal copy of an app
This is critical to upper management adoption
RE: edit a personal copy of an app
When a dashhboard is shared with a user, the user has the access level of Read only assigned. This access level cannot be changed by the person doing the sharing. The person doing the sharing should be able to grant an access level greater than Read only so that the recepient can pin tiles from the underlying report to creat additional dashboards for themselves. This is a serious flaw and has to be fixed now !!!
RE: edit a personal copy of an app
I agree. Very important feature of content packs which is lost with apps.
RE: edit a personal copy of an app
As Microsoft is Recommending for using APPs not the Content Pack Going forward, App workspace admin should have ability to control whether the user can have view only APP or he/she can make a copy of it to their local workspace. This is a must feature otherwise rolling vout the Dashboards/Reports enterprise wide will be affected.
RE: edit a personal copy of an app
We have a report as a content pack specifically for this purpose. We have users that need to be able to modify the report and share it to other users without impacting the main report.
Please add this feature before killing support for content packs.