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Clickthrough Cards

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Thijme Droste on 25 Jun 2018 20:32:46

Cards that open another page of your report when clicked on it.

I often want to be able to have a Card with the meassure of revenue on it, but when I cick the Card I want to be able to open another page with (as example) bar charts showing where the revenue is comming from.

Comments (1)
Thijme Droste's profile image Profile Picture

65386cf3 4bd8-48fa-8a23-ba7a4f535dca on 05 Jul 2020 23:29:36

RE: Clickthrough Cards

Perhaps a better description would be: Ability to assign an ACTION to a card. Ability to treat a card like a button or a button like a card.

We can now do tooltips for a card, but if we have buttons over the top to reference a bookmark - does not work!