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Slider / Slicer for Values

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David Aldred's profile image

David Aldred on 29 Nov 2016 07:28:24

We now have a great Slicer for dates, which is presented as a Slider, but it would be great to have a similar Slider Slicer for values too.

eg, If I have a field called 'Customer Balance' and want to give the end user the ability to filter down between two values (Customer Balances between 1000 & 10000), then a standard Slicer is not suitable as it just lists the balances. A Slider based Slicer will fill this role.

Administrator on 10 May 2018 00:14:36

This has been in preview for some time and is now generally available. You can add numeric fields to slicers and select a range of values. We don't yet support measures (you would actually need to specify a measure and a category to slice on) but that's something we're considering - please create a new suggestion for that! One workaround is to create a summary table with the measure/category and slice on that. Thanks for the votes everyone!

Comments (24)
David Aldred's profile image Profile Picture

69166e6b 1f4c-4667-9c90-1c483c948279 on 05 Jul 2020 22:36:16

RE: Slider / Slicer for Values

Totaly agree with this idea,and it needed to any thing logically sorted (A>>Z,Z>>A),(1>>10,10>>1)

David Aldred's profile image Profile Picture

8b0dca87 14ed-452f-93d9-8280ee0c7c61 on 05 Jul 2020 22:36:08

RE: Slider / Slicer for Values

I agree as well. How can this not exist? The fact that is has so few votes makes me think I'm missing something. The slicer for Date is close to perfect. It seems like it would be so easy to modify it to accompany a numeric data type. Just like date, it would auto-populate Min/Max and have the slider bar as well as the same filter options (Beween/Before/After).

David Aldred's profile image Profile Picture

034519ac 4ff6-4157-bd15-2f889d260205 on 05 Jul 2020 22:33:38

RE: Slider / Slicer for Values

I totally agree! This kind of slicer would really help with analyzing data because we could easily remove outliers and "zoom in" on certain occurrences in data. I'm thinking it would be neat to incorporate the Time Brush filter in the Power BI gallery. That way you could also visualize the values you're filtering on.

David Aldred's profile image Profile Picture

fdd6c11b e8db-45fa-8fca-2553bb19b3e5 on 05 Jul 2020 22:33:34

RE: Slider / Slicer for Values

I like the new date slicer.
But why restrict this only to dates.
It would be great to allow any kind of values to be restricted in that way, instead only date values.

Imagine a report with some charts and a Value which has a range of values. But I would like to see the data of a subrange only in the report.