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Ben on 11 Feb 2016 04:18:28

Provide greater options for embedding reports in public web pages. Remove the white page on grey look and make it work as a responsive element in a website.

Comments (2)
Ben's profile image Profile Picture

deb8a8b3 6f99-46a8-a493-d26a9e59bd75 on 05 Jul 2020 23:28:43

RE: embed

Our company is using PowerBI reports with the ?rs:embed=true option. These reports are included in our CMS.

It would be great to set the background color #EAEAEA around the report. The report would visually embed nicer in the webpage.

Ben's profile image Profile Picture

1f7f2711 5819-e611-80e2-c4346bad91c4 on 05 Jul 2020 23:01:08

RE: embed

This is very important. SEE:

When embedding a Power BI report in a bespoke application, we should be able to specify the background colour of the object being embedded. I am not talking about the background colour of a report page, but the colour around the page, which at the moment is set to #EAEAEA.

While sometimes we might be able to get rid of this background by resizing the object, it gets more complicated when we want the object to be responsive to different resolutions -- particularly with the height if we have additional objects under it.