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Analyze option (increase/Decrease insight) select specific columns to analyze

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Richard Cousins's profile image

Richard Cousins on 12 Sep 2017 15:01:35

When using the analyze option it would be useful if you were able to select the specific columns to analyze rather than only analyzing the column next to it.

Comments (2)
Richard Cousins's profile image Profile Picture

ca630acc a32c-4ba8-a373-2ba5d2ef1d2e on 05 Jul 2020 23:59:23

RE: Analyze option (increase/Decrease insight) select specific columns to analyze

To build on what Bernhard is suggesting, simply hiding or sorting cards might achieve what we are looking for. Some cards are just silly or redundant and don't explain anything because of coincidence. I assumed that giving a card a "thumbs down" would hide it and giving it a "thumbs up" would move it to the top but it doesn't work that way.

Richard Cousins's profile image Profile Picture

30f91cab e527-4acc-a9a9-61ebebaa0f35 on 05 Jul 2020 23:11:56

RE: Analyze option (increase/Decrease insight) select specific columns to analyze

Alternatively, it would also be great to exclude certain columns from the analysis. E.g: If there is both a key and a description for a category i do not want to bother my users to see the key in the insights. They should see "mobile" or "desktop" rather than "000001".