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Power BI


Custom Fonts

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Todd on 12 Oct 2018 07:19:59

We need the ability to use the same fonts we can access and upload to other MS Products.

This is an important feature for my company as we have required fonts to stay within our trademark(s).

Without the ability to use the required fonts we are limited with publishing our PBIs to our 25K+ licensed users.

I cannot speak for what decisions my company will make but I know we need to stay within our trademark(s) requirements.

How can we get this feature added so we can upload fonts.

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f6b672d6 f9bc-415c-a94a-70cd1dffa391 on 05 Jul 2020 23:40:43

RE: Custom Fonts

This aspect critical and important and it's strange that Power BI is not being able to read the MS Office fonts.

One reason could be the Power BI service might not have the font we use (customized for our organization) and once we publish the report - the server fails to render.

Power BI should find a way to embed the font and related configuration to be pushed on to the PBI services as part of the metadata of the report and render any font used by the user.