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authentication options for azure analysis services or SSAS

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Justin on 14 Feb 2019 07:02:02

When connecting to Analysis services through powerBI, there are no authentication options, the way you get for most other sources. The user is authenticated automatically, and that is the only flavor of authentication that is supported. I need to be able to use a service account so that the RLS on the SSAS instance is being driven by the specifics of the connection string rather than the user. In my case, I have multiple workspaces set up for different customers, and I need to secure the workspaces so that no data crosses over from one customer into the other customer's workspace. Right now, a user may have permissions on customer A and Customer B, and when looking at workspace for customer A would see rows enter the visualizations for both customer A and B. I have no way to ensure that reports in Customer A workspace only contain customer A data, even though on the backend the SSAS cube contains other customers in a unified data model and any given user may have permissions for any combination of customer data.

The ability to alter or customize the connection string would satisfy this need, as I can set the EffectiveUserName to control RLS. PBI today does not support customizing this connection string.