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Support "Export data" from R visuals

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Boris on 09 Feb 2017 20:32:37

Customize data exported via "Export data" from R script.

Comments (1)
Boris's profile image Profile Picture

d6e133db d7a0-4dac-a021-1c9ce8cd2820 on 05 Jul 2020 22:48:44

RE: Support "Export data" from R visuals

Here's an example of when this would be useful:

I can quickly create a number of boxplots using R. But once something interesting is found in the data, users will want the output from boxplot.stats -- the statistics from the boxplots. There's no easy way to get those boxplot.stats except through a huge kludge.

This was a great help: R graphs and tables in Power BI Desktop,

A second R visual can repeat all the boxplot computations with plot=FALSE specified, and then the stats can be captured and plotted as text in a graphic. The data table as a graphic prevents copying and pasting the data, which is a huge kludge but that makes the data visible.

Even better, let us use R to create new Power Bi datasets that can be used in Power BI visuals -- or even other R visuals.