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Measure Management & DAX Editor

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DaveG on 09 Jan 2018 10:55:44

Anyone who uses PowerBI long enough has had a PBIX with 50-60 measures and it has become time consuming and tedious to mantain. In Excel you can do a quick find/replace to edit several formulas - in PowerBI you need to select each one individually. An "excel-like" interface for editing measures would save a lot of time! This would take PowerBI to the next level regarding productivity. I've prepared a mockup for this as well as a DAX Editor. Let me know what you think.


Administrator on 20 Aug 2020 01:21:25

Checking with Will Thompson and moving status to backlog

Comments (115)
DaveG's profile image Profile Picture

10b92cac d7e1-ea11-a813-000d3a579c39 on 24 Aug 2020 20:50:57

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

Would be so useful to be able to list which measures utilise a specific field. Further being able to list unused fields would be great. Thank you.

DaveG's profile image Profile Picture

b2036765 14e2-ea11-a813-000d3a9b112e on 19 Aug 2020 12:07:48

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

Great idea, should have already been a feature!

DaveG's profile image Profile Picture

ee5a6928 3da9-4f19-9bc4-b32669ad0b77 on 16 Aug 2020 04:20:36

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

We are still hoping...

DaveG's profile image Profile Picture

40f3c955 14a9-46e1-ae0d-5a30112efb37 on 16 Aug 2020 04:20:18

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

There is an APP named PMM (Power Mesures Manager) that dose just this
in this link you can read all bout it and download the App for free

DaveG's profile image Profile Picture

7d71b17f 5d50-4f74-b1d1-7fcd9708eb40 on 16 Aug 2020 04:20:03

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

Over a year ago I wrote this, and still there is no progress:

We really need this feature. It is painstaking to have to go through each measure and column one by one, and wait for PowerBI to process changes. In addition, I have to cleanup and reverse engineer many other reports, which often look like spaghetti code, and it's very difficult to click through each. It would save me a ton of time and effort to bulk edit, and see all calc columns and measures in a single window.

I would compare the current setup like writing code, and processing changes after each semicolon, rather than when I compile and execute. I know how all of the columns and measures interact, and how to debug any issues.

Import and export for calc columns and measures would be amazing. Export to something a text editor could open as well, like csv, json, or maybe even excel.
This would allow the group of analysts I work with to easily share standardized measures.

DaveG's profile image Profile Picture

fcf96bcf 25a0-4a0e-b251-fe96dad98b90 on 16 Aug 2020 04:19:58

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

Wouldn't if be great if you could write plugin's for Power BI and open up the eco system to other developers. You would get so much more traction.

Dave's design is great. Please improve this area. I use Tabular Editor a lot with SASS Tabular and it's is a much better editing experience than Power BI.

Issues for me.

The Measure editing is very slow and cumbersome and doesn't always accept your edits or new measures.
Set formatting, home table, folder, hidden in one place.
Duplicate / copy & paste measures.
Copy & paste measures across to a different pbix.
Search or filter measures.
Visualise / List dependencies.
Import/export all measures for documentation purposes or transfer to pbix - Although some of this can be done in DAX Editor.
Format the DAX statement.
Refactor the DAX statement with performance improvement suggestions.
Hover over a dependant measure for > 1 sec show's pop-up code view of measure.
Snippet manager that you can store your own measure snippets on a folder.aka Regdate SQL Prompt snippets.

DaveG's profile image Profile Picture

2386c9b5 edd0-ea11-a812-000d3a8b3802 on 16 Aug 2020 04:19:32

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

Any chance you can include a view that shows which visuals a measure is used in?

DaveG's profile image Profile Picture

bd782228 0267-4a31-9217-4d1c7dce8792 on 16 Aug 2020 04:19:17

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

A M A Z I N G.

And solves so many annoyances, adds so many features, and it's literally just some UI/UX implementation. CRITICALLY REQIUIRED.

DaveG's profile image Profile Picture

0ca176e9 328e-4ffb-9929-4fbd31ae424f on 16 Aug 2020 04:18:15

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

This is absolutely essential. Any update on ETA?

DaveG's profile image Profile Picture

124b2c22 b73c-4614-8e22-351093bf359c on 16 Aug 2020 04:17:02

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

There is a new app named PMM (Power Mesures Manager) that dose just this
in this link you can read all bout it and download the App for free