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Support SSAS connection using HTTP data pump (msmdpump.dll)

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Tony Valentine's profile image

Tony Valentine on 20 Mar 2015 03:50:23

I know its a bit strange that we would want to configure the Power BI SSAS connector to point to an HTTP msmdpump, but it allows us to do something we can't do when going directly to the server. However, when I get to the last phase where it creates the connection in Power BI, it returns a strange "The remote server return an error: (404) Not Found....." that I do not get when going directly to the server. Could you validate my results and perhaps fix?

Comments (28)
Tony Valentine's profile image Profile Picture

78984964 14c4-4592-8539-326de00427c4 on 05 Jul 2020 22:34:07

RE: Support SSAS connection using HTTP data pump (msmdpump.dll)

I have the same scenario in my organization - Users are not allowed to access SSAS directly because it is in another security zone. We must use http for this communication.

Tony Valentine's profile image Profile Picture

b6612c55 9529-43dc-b271-803cac0ab7b6 on 05 Jul 2020 22:25:36

RE: Support SSAS connection using HTTP data pump (msmdpump.dll)

'@Mini Nair
What is your scenario? Can you share more details? Can you access the AS server from Excel or SSMS?

we have a custom authentication flow (IHTTPMODULE), which we manage as a modules over MSMDPUMP.

we fork the request's made to analysis services (AS), enrich the requests with custom data. before AS can process them.

it just does not make sense to have this module anywhere else. MSMDPUMP makes it easy to set up custom pipelines before and after AS handles the request.

Tony Valentine's profile image Profile Picture

d46b7bfe e6b0-428f-8146-7ba29ebc8040 on 05 Jul 2020 22:22:39

RE: Support SSAS connection using HTTP data pump (msmdpump.dll)

Our corporate network security rules insist on a 3 tier architecture and require us to put our SSAS server in a database DMZ and we have to go through a midware layer or web proxy to reach it from applications. We can't connect to it directly. We have data pump configured and it works great from Excel and we can import into Power BI Desktop but live query is what we need for our end users. This is the single barrier preventing us from rolling it out enterprise wide.

Tony Valentine's profile image Profile Picture

68183361 d533-43b1-9f06-4c8d32e6e936 on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:14

RE: Support SSAS connection using HTTP data pump (msmdpump.dll)

Well msmdpump.dll is not supported but it appears Power BI has added the capability to map usernames. If you go to the Data Source Settings and toggle to the Users tab, there is a button called Map User Names which lets you alter the EffectiveUsername string via custom mappings. Thank you MSFT for adding this feature!!

Tony Valentine's profile image Profile Picture

7c5eeece aae8-44e5-a425-df4112708b90 on 05 Jul 2020 22:16:43

RE: Support SSAS connection using HTTP data pump (msmdpump.dll)

this requirement is really a big need for large ISV's hosting lots of customers. Row level security is simple and the amount of licenses that MSFT can sell would be large. Please consider this feature request. At least let the Enterprise Gateway support it without having to do the UPN handshake which will not work for hosted customers that are not on their domain... this is a basic problem.

Tony Valentine's profile image Profile Picture

87f1c9ac c9d0-435a-b6f7-23b652a04faf on 05 Jul 2020 22:16:05

RE: Support SSAS connection using HTTP data pump (msmdpump.dll)

I have the same requirement, I am developing a SAAS application based on SSAS data and I would like to let external users connect to my cube without the process of creating them / syncing them in my AD. In my case there should be hundreds of users and creating an AD account for each of them in my domain is not a good option.

Tony Valentine's profile image Profile Picture

3afbdf8f 2d18-46d6-98b0-79aef2a5620f on 05 Jul 2020 22:12:57

RE: Support SSAS connection using HTTP data pump (msmdpump.dll)

Hi, I have few customers who wants to buy power bi but with possibility to connect via msmdpump.dll (https)

Tony Valentine's profile image Profile Picture

1fb02eeb 04bc-46f6-95c1-18197463356f on 05 Jul 2020 22:12:51

RE: Support SSAS connection using HTTP data pump (msmdpump.dll)

Hi, you can connect with Power BI desktop, but onl browsing not "Connecting Live" because they somhow forgot to put the auth dialog box in it. So open Pbi desktop and browse it, you can retrieve some info, but it will crash you AS instance, rapidly consuming all you memory if you choose any measure, you might get away with tables and dimensions if they are not too big. Please Power BI team implement this scenario! :)

Tony Valentine's profile image Profile Picture

68183361 d533-43b1-9f06-4c8d32e6e936 on 05 Jul 2020 22:03:54

RE: Support SSAS connection using HTTP data pump (msmdpump.dll)

This still does not work with the release version of Power BI Analysis Services Connector. It fails with the same 404 error. Any update on where this feature is on the priority list?

Tony Valentine's profile image Profile Picture

ebbc817d 5a04-4c1e-b9bd-26cc2fc1f58c on 05 Jul 2020 21:59:36

RE: Support SSAS connection using HTTP data pump (msmdpump.dll)

I asked Power BI uservoice about msmdpump.dll support, and the response was as follows:

"At the moment we don't support connecting via msmdpump. Please go ahead and suggest it in our forum!"

We are using the Telerik Pivot Grid which uses msmdpump.dll, and I also believe infragistics uses it also. Having this support in Power BI is also good for demos and testing SASS scenarios without going through a Federation process.

Excel supports msmdpump.dll. msmdpump.dll can be setup as anonymous for quick testing of a new SSAS service, and have basic authentication added.