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Synchronize duplicate graph min/max's

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Azarel Howard on 23 Jun 2020 08:05:24

There already exists the concept of synchronising copies of slicers between different pages. My suggestion is that when copying graphs, bar graphs in particular but this may apply to others, that there be an option to synchronise the min-max limits on the Y-axis'. Note that this shouldn't be limited to simply manually inputted values which would already be copied over but to the dynamic min/max values as well

In it's simplest form, let's say I have a graph that's representing a financial year worth of data for a given metric. Now I want to, on a separate page, have the previous financial years' data represented using the same graph with the same min/max limits so that it's easier to see the differences between the two ranges.

This is especially important for bar and line graphs where the maxes can change independently of each other. Ideally, if one graph has a max of 25 and the other has a max of 30 synchronising the min/max should set both graphs to a max of 30.

Another alternative to this would be to have the ability to set a column as the max with that column being grouped by the X-axis set on the graph but completely unfiltered by the graphs filters. Thus allowing it to find the global max/min in the column.

Bonus points if you can figure out how to offer some sort of filtering specific to the min/max value. Would have to be within the visual settings area though which would clutter things up a bit..... UX for that would be a pain.

Just realised that for clustered bar graphs if would be advantageous to be able to find the global max across multiple columns...... that sounds extra difficult but I'm sure there's someone who would use it.