Don Potts (OFFICE CAPES) on 16 Dec 2014 03:21:27
Power BI currently provides refreshes daily and weekly; however, that isn't frequent enough for real-time dashboards.
We run a service and need data refreshed often throughout the day, so we use VBA to refresh the data every 15 minutes. VBA isn't supported on the Power BI sites though, so we can't use those for our dashboard. We need a more granular refresh mechanism built into the "system."
Administrator on 17 Dec 2014 07:41:08
Great suggestion! There's minimal control over this today and we'd like to improve this. If you need real-time updates today, you can take a look at the Developer APIs for pushing data directly into Power BI datasets. Adding your vote will help us prioritize this functionality!
- Comments (6)
RE: Enable custom data refresh intervals
Our Premium Capacity often has issues with more than 6 schedules running at once (throttle). This occurs more because users can only select half hour increments. I'm okay if you keep the 48 times a day limit but let users select more time slots than on the hour or half hour. Some users need to run 48 times within a shift for example. ALSO, you should let us set how many times to retry and how many minutes apart. For example, retry 3 times 5 minutes apart upon failure.
RE: Enable custom data refresh intervals
I'm running into time out problems because I have too many reports going at once on the refresh. It would be great to stagger them out 5-10 minutes apart instead of 30 min.
RE: Enable custom data refresh intervals
Hi @Will Thompson can you please provide tentative date when this feature will be rolled out?
RE: Enable custom data refresh intervals
Has this been prioritized or in your development pipeline? This would have been a great feature, since modeling the data not flexible with RestApi as much as with PBI desktop tool. The PBI desktop is great, but real time data refresh will be a significant feature.
RE: Enable custom data refresh intervals
This is important. I was hoping for implementation of continuous querying on Direct QUERY DATABASE. These days, all data are realtime, meaning even hourly updates are horrible. I want minute by minute updates.
RE: Enable custom data refresh intervals
It would also be great if there was more advanced options on the refresh schema. Eg. I would like to refresh on table in a dataset of 10 tables once a month but the rest of the tables daily. I know how to work around this but the option would be nice though.