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customisable date slicer hierarchy

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Pedro Innecco on 02 Nov 2016 17:56:17

Great news on the new date slicer. However I think it has a long way to go. I think that a good goal is to make it look as close to the Excel date slicer as possible from a feature perspective.

One feature I think it is missing is that it should allow us to use a date hierarchy in it, AND IT MUST BE CUSTOMISABLE.

For instance, we might want users to start specifying full years, then perhaps quarters, months or weeks . But most importantly, and I say that again, we must be able to specify a custom hierarchy based on our own date tables, and not some built-in hierarchy options that Microsoft thinks that it is best. For example:

* Users might want the hierarchy to be: YEAR, QUARTER, MONTHS or perhaps only YEAR and WEEK.

* Users might have their own custom period range from a custom date table they might wish to use. So, again, this must be customisable.

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6f052d11 8f2f-4b6b-9309-608d7d962058 on 05 Jul 2020 22:43:33

RE: customisable date slicer hierarchy

I need that update.