Power BI User on 09 Jul 2015 12:35:38
Azure SQL and Azure DW Direct Query datasources are great, and this is most probably the future. There is however a requirement for a real-time semantic model in the middle. For example, this will be great for: captions/translations, attribute order by, hierarchies, images, relationships defined outside of the db, ... And most importantly that could provide a multidimensional query language (MDX and/or DAX). It could be Tabular in Azure or it could an in-database semantic model like SAP HANA?
- Comments (20)
RE: Direct Query Semantic model
This would provide my organisation with massive benefits and could be a positive reason for us to advocate selecting Power BI over another reporting tool like Tableaux.
Please provide support for Dashboards and reports using Direct Queries with calculated columns and translations.
RE: Direct Query Semantic model
If we add a custom column in direct query mode, it says it is not supported in DirectQuery but it is needed.
RE: Direct Query Semantic model
DIffinately needed....
RE: Direct Query Semantic model
From a data governance point of view we can only use DQ to prevent upload of confidential data the the cloud (however secure it may be). We have chosen Power BI for its self service capabilities but this gap renders that redundant. Calculations and modelling will have to be done on the SQL server by Devs, not power users in the business as was our intention. please please add the ability to create power query semantic layer with direct connect!
RE: Direct Query Semantic model
Direct query and Import queries must co-exist
RE: Direct Query Semantic model
Direct Query and Import queries must be able to co-exist
RE: Direct Query Semantic model
This is a big limiting factor. I'm really trying to use PBI, but issues like this keep pushing me back to Tableau.
RE: Direct Query Semantic model
I have to import millions and thousands of rows just so I can compute a Year from a date field..... Not ideal
RE: Direct Query Semantic model
Any progess with the DQSM as whenever i try to enhance the datamodel we are asked to use 'upoad' mode and not DC.
RE: Direct Query Semantic model
When dealing with large data sets this is a huge requirement.