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New SharePoint online WebPart - allow configure web part to pass filters e.g. from PropertyBag

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Brian Mather's profile image

Brian Mather on 13 Feb 2017 18:57:35

It would a great iteration on the new SharePoint web part to add configuration of the web part with filters, either from the logged in user or values from the site's property bag. This would allow the easy configuration and deployment of a single report and webpart across multiple sites (e.g. Project or Customer sites).

Comments (4)
Brian Mather's profile image Profile Picture

851294f7 0a6f-4ce5-ac61-27f96fbf94c6 on 16 Aug 2020 04:00:16

RE: New SharePoint online WebPart - allow configure web part to pass filters e.g. from PropertyBag

How are we supposed to filter each project sharepoint sites if we want to use the same report for all of them? We cannot ask our project managers to manually set a report filter each time they open the webpart.

Brian Mather's profile image Profile Picture

a5a4ef75 d4f4-e811-a956-000d3a4f36ce on 16 Aug 2020 03:59:50

RE: New SharePoint online WebPart - allow configure web part to pass filters e.g. from PropertyBag

Exactly! We got super-excited about embedding a standard report on each of our project office sites, only to find that the web part doesn't support the URL-based filtering described here:

Adding support for this in the web part would be great, but this recommendation is even more foolproof. Another viable variant would be to add fields to the web part configuration to specify Table, Column, and Value to filter by, similar to what the URL does.

Brian Mather's profile image Profile Picture

0d1eb657 d4c3-4b78-85c3-439c517d1b54 on 16 Aug 2020 03:59:23

RE: New SharePoint online WebPart - allow configure web part to pass filters e.g. from PropertyBag

At minimum normal report query parameter filtering should be supported

Brian Mather's profile image Profile Picture

3101328d e4e2-4d82-a3ff-9aefdd878e1e on 16 Aug 2020 03:56:08

RE: New SharePoint online WebPart - allow configure web part to pass filters e.g. from PropertyBag

Yep, otherwise I'm going to have to create 200 copies of the same report, one for each of our client-focused SharePoint sites!