- Comments (3)
RE: Create a Timeline custom visual to visualize MS Project tasks information
There appear to be a couple of similar ideas, some mentioning MS Project, others visualising a category according to date column but I think this visual would be useful for multiple cases. If I may I would like to add some suggestions 1) set the x axis scale on mix/max values plus some delta selected by the user (1 wk, 1month, 1 quarter). 2) Allow the user to select the markers used (line, point, custom, data driven) 3) Provide ability to customise the tooltip to include image url from data table
RE: Create a Timeline custom visual to visualize MS Project tasks information
Something like http://visjs.org/timeline_examples.html would be a great way to visualize the data, e.g. having options to show data as time instances and also as time ranges.
RE: Create a Timeline custom visual to visualize MS Project tasks information
MS Project has this nice feature called Timeline but there's no way to check the same way in Power BI.