Power BI User on 18 Sep 2015 23:27:03
I deal with a great amount of time-series data (100'000 records for tens of series) and the limit of 1000 points in line charts is very restrictive to me, particularly when the series belong to 10 or more different series (each series is undersampled to 100 (1000/10) or less points making a very zig-zagged chart).
Other commercial software can manage up to 30x10^6 points in a chart. Is it possible to increase this 1000 points limitation, let's say, to 100'000 points?
- Comments (20)
RE: Increase number of points in chart visualizations.
Completely agree! I can't even demo Power BI to management because of this issue!
RE: Increase number of points in chart visualizations.
this needs to be added
RE: Increase number of points in chart visualizations.
Also we need min/max/avg **per series**. I can do this with a trendline, why not min/max etc.?
RE: Increase number of points in chart visualizations.
This is MUST for a reliable BI reporting tool.
missing data points make it unreliable.
RE: Increase number of points in chart visualizations.
We keep having this problem in the map visual. We have areas with more than 1000 addresses that need to be shown on the map individually.
RE: Increase number of points in chart visualizations.
I have US county and Parish names. It would be great if Bing would recognize them. I do realize that this would mean dealing with a political subregion below state for other places in the world but I can't imagine Bing doesn't have those polygons.
RE: Increase number of points in chart visualizations.
All "hard stop limits" within the tool should be configurable. Setting these makes the tool unusable in certain situations. Let end users gauge and set these limits appropriately!
RE: Increase number of points in chart visualizations.
I need all days between 2008 and now and 10 lines in the graph. Coudnt visualize this. Please upgrade
RE: Increase number of points in chart visualizations.
This limit makes Power BI useless for any type of chart that has max and min values that can't be randomly removed from the data set (e.g stress data).
RE: Increase number of points in chart visualizations.
Very limited, especially if you are trying to incorporate the full capabilities of stream analytics.