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Change behavior between multiple slicers ("OR" vs. "AND")

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Kyle on 18 Feb 2017 00:35:47

Unless I missed something, there is no current way to change the interaction BETWEEN multiple slicers that refer to two DIFFERENT columns.
One slicer for eye color, and a different slicer for hair color (two different columns in the data).
If I choose Eye=blue and Hair=brown, the result will be all people in the dataset with blue eyes AND brown hair.
I need to selectively change this behavior so the result would be all people with blue eyes OR brown hair.

I can do this rather clumsily by creating a cartesian product columns and values but when I'm working with 6-8 columns that have 3-4 possible values each, the result is just ugly (not to mention difficult to navigate for the user).

If this idea already exists, please refer me to that posting as I have not been able to find it yet.