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Obtaining time zone for Power BI service's user

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Salim on 09 Jun 2017 13:11:24

It seems neither DAX nor Power Query don't have a function to obtain the time zone for the current user who is using the Power BI Service. The scenario is I make dashboards that are used in different time zones. I am using functions like TODAY and NOW to obtain current time/date but they are useless in different time zones because Microsoft support told me Power BI service only uses its own time zone i.e. UTC. One could say a solution could be I use two different dashboards for different time zones but we have managers who travel between these time zones and their dashboard becomes wrong then. I think it is necessary that either DAX or Power Query have a function to obtain user’s time zone.

Comments (2)
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3f661fc5 2bcd-4d6d-8788-c855ac2eece0 on 05 Jul 2020 23:29:15

RE: Obtaining time zone for Power BI service's user

I have the same problema:
I need to show in a Powe BI report the last refresh date/time of the data.
I keep the date of recharged in a table with a single row and a single column.
But this is the UTC time.
Now I return the one from Spain, but I would like to be able to return the local time of every user.

I think that Power BI should have a function to get the time zone of the current user who is using the Power BI service.

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3101328d e4e2-4d82-a3ff-9aefdd878e1e on 05 Jul 2020 23:24:57

RE: Obtaining time zone for Power BI service's user

I think it has to be with DAX, in order for one report/dashboard to show dates/times to many users, in their respective local time zones. Which would be great!