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When trying to use Looukup value function from excel PowerBI freezes

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on 21 Oct 2016 15:20:10

When I was trying to use the lookup function to create a calculated column it caused the program to crash I got an error mewssage it was not available then I couldnt do anything.


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af92ffe7 d86a-4a98-b27f-88aa73348bff on 05 Jul 2020 22:33:05

RE: When trying to use Looukup value function from excel PowerBI freezes

I have the same or simular issue. Trying a column with a text-function (Text.Middle) which I apperentry coding wrong. I get an error which is fine but after that PowerBI freeze. What ever I click there is just a ding-error sound. When i force Power BI to shut down, there is a glimse of a dialog box visible just before powerBI shuts down. The problem might be that the dialog box is invisible and not clickable.