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Link bookmark to field in created table

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Pavel Schmied on 18 Jan 2018 17:19:24

Currently is possible to link Bookmark only to image/shape. I would apreciate to have an option to link bookmark to table that were created by "Enter Data" or any other table that was uploaded through "Get Data". This would alows to maintain bookmark trhrough strandard filters.

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Pavel Schmied's profile image Profile Picture

e5f618c2 a896-4eb2-9e28-f0bcd0d2b457 on 05 Jul 2020 23:52:16

RE: Link bookmark to field in created table

'I agree - this would be a powerful capability.

For example, I have a table which shows kpi performance indicators in the form of a stoplight. For some reason I cannot paste an printscreen image into this box so I will describe the data.

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AMER Green Color 2-Jul-19 17:15
EUR Yellow Color 2-Jul-19 09:00
ASIA Green Color 1-Jul-19 23:00

It would be very powerful to be able to associate a bookmark with each line to navigate the user to the correct detail page for a Region. If the bookmark could be associated with a text value in the table that would be great.

I have used the drilldown capability however if you have a highly customized view for each of these regions it would not be practical to design this with the limited functionality available in the Power BI report designer as far as dynamic content generation. Why not allow the association of Bookmarks, pointing to specifc report pages, with table content?