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sort based on legends

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Salman Welji's profile image

Salman Welji on 05 Jul 2017 23:49:04

can we not sort based on legends

Comments (4)
Salman Welji's profile image Profile Picture

c75b7f65 509b-4e38-8abf-fef6f8999aa1 on 06 Jul 2020 00:17:01

RE: sort based on legends

Legend categories, within the tooltip while hovering a graph, should be in the order they appear in the graph. The graph displays them based off their values, which ultimately sorts them in the graph (highest up top and lowest down low). The legend tooltip should do the same.

Salman Welji's profile image Profile Picture

cacf0e6c b37c-4fbb-8a59-54f833ce55ab on 06 Jul 2020 00:16:11

RE: sort based on legends

Need to be able to Sort by Value IE: Count or Sum Descending for both Tooltips and Legends

Salman Welji's profile image Profile Picture

bf91afe3 b0a1-4dae-825d-e49e2b0cf2de on 06 Jul 2020 00:13:33

RE: sort based on legends

would like to be able to sort based onvalues in the legend in asc/desc order as otherwise they are in entirely the wrong order and the colours aren't always clear. It would also be helpful to have the option to only display the value for a single line in a line chart, rather than all of them

Salman Welji's profile image Profile Picture

b8ba1cf3 a10e-4588-b4fe-556a34ae2fab on 05 Jul 2020 23:44:26

RE: sort based on legends

Should be able to sort values in the legend in asc/desc order. This differs from the title to this suggestion, but I assume it's intending to say the same thing