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Gages need more control over settings

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Todd Chittenden on 17 Mar 2015 03:48:57

I have a Gage that displays a metric of 16.5, Target of 14, Min of 0 and Max of 30. But with all that information, I STILL don't know if I'm on target or not. Should I be BELOW 14, or ABOVE it? If I'm a NASCAR pit crew being measured by time (seconds) for a pit stop, 16.5 seconds is slow (LOWER is better). If I'm measuring Profit Margin, then HIGHER is better. You need ONE MORE setting on the control to indicate the desired DIRECTION.

Also, from there, if you color shade the arch from green to red or red to green accordingly, a viewer can then easily see if his ACTUAL number is in the ballpark of the TARGET.

Without that critical DIRECTION piece, it's almost useless.