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Identity Profiles for Power BI Desktop

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John White on 16 Apr 2020 18:35:59

An increasing number of features are being tied to a user's identity in Power BI Desktop. Live connections to datasets connect to the tenant that is currently logged in. Persistent custom visuals and organizational visuals are tied to it, and even the Most Recently Used list seems to be affected. This gets very confusing for anyone that works with multiple tenants. Opening a direct connected report when currently logged into the wrong tenant is an exercise in futility.

I propose that Power BI Desktop implement the concept of profiles, as seen in Chrome and the new Microsoft Edge. It would then be relatively simple to switch between identities for a single instance, but it would be very convenient to launch an instance of Power BI Desktop with a specific identity. Ideally each profile could be pinned to a taskbar to keep everything organized. This works well with browsers, and would be a wonderful addition to Power BI Desktop.