Abhi on 31 Oct 2016 14:22:32
Do we have following options for passing parameters within PowerBI:
* What options are available to us if we want to pass paramaters between reports?
* Can we pass between tabs on the same report?
> * Can we pass between separate & unlinked reports?
> * Can we have a 'fixed' parameter that is passed (e.g. have a button that always pre-filters another report to be for the current year)?
* Can we feed parameters to reports we haven't authored?
* Can others feed parameters to us?
* Can our reports react to specific browser requests (e.g. if I access a report from a particular IP range, can this be used to change the filters and content that is available to me)?
- Comments (3)
RE: Pssing filters between reports
This will great feature to be able to pass parameters between tabs and between reports.
RE: Pssing filters between reports
I'm not sure if this inline with what I'm thinking - but having the ability to pass slicer parameters between Tabs would be a really cool feature.... As that would essentially expand the canvass size and make each Report Tab talk to each other while showing different themes/attributes..
RE: Pssing filters between reports
Moving to Ideas