Abhay Kumar on 05 May 2016 03:03:14
Table visualization should have an option to display data as is without aggregation even if there are duplicates. There are scenarios where this is required and it would be great to have this option for users.
- Comments (17)
RE: Display tabular data as is without aggregation
I just ran into the same issue and am really hoping for a solution soon; I have situations where I have to display the duplicate rows and having additional "index" columns for the end users to have to look at is not ideal.
RE: Display tabular data as is without aggregation
A Related request: https://ideas.powerbi.com/forums/265200-power-bi-ideas/suggestions/33644911-paginated-grid-and-hidden-column
If implementing duplicate row is not possible, then there should be option to add a column and make it hidden (rather than suggested resize option)
RE: Display tabular data as is without aggregation
Agree. Not only that but case sensitivity is quite important. Why would Power Query be sensitive to upper/lower case values while Power BI Desktop is not? It should not assume to aggregate data on column values that are actually different because of case sensitivity
RE: Display tabular data as is without aggregation
Tabular data is critical in certain organizations. The ability to see the data as is, without any modifications is important for such things as check registers or purchase orders. Sometimes, there are two items on the same PO, for example, that have the same cost. Currently, the only way to make multiple items with the same values appear is to add a column like a description (not always unique, either) or add an index column in a query, and then put that index into the table, which is meaningless clutter or noise for the report reader.
RE: Display tabular data as is without aggregation
Team any update on this. Can we now display duplicate rows also in table visualization of power BI?
RE: Display tabular data as is without aggregation
any update on this? we simply want to display the table data as what is returned on the query.
RE: Display tabular data as is without aggregation
As per my requirement also i need as it is data.We have option called Keep duplicate but it is not working properly. So i will also recommend to implement feature