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Custom DAX Functions with Variables

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on 27 Sep 2017 15:29:53

Would be useful if you had the ability to create your own DAX functions that allows for variables to be inserted into the function.

I find that quite often I require a Base Measure that only subtly needs changing. Eg, Groups by a different dimension in a SUMMARIZE formula, or alternately uses a different SUM measure to produce a different result with the same manipulation of the rest of the DAX Formula.

This will allow for the Base Measure to be adjusted if a more effective solution emerges, rather than requiring a change for every single measure that the function has been applied to.

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60a49d00 ef86-46f3-86fd-0262f7f331be on 05 Jul 2020 23:34:47

RE: Custom DAX Functions with Variables

Yes to this. Huge issue on large models with many similar complex measures

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81ce4dee 9a3a-4f38-98cd-2bc49c0c5fa2 on 05 Jul 2020 23:11:54

RE: Custom DAX Functions with Variables

Completely agree. This would save so much development effort!!!