Power BI Ideas Admin on 07 Jul 2020 16:37:02
Bookmarks are a nice feature to have and can enable some nice scenarios for the benefit of end users.
The people who don't benefit... report designers.
Can you reconsider the bookmarks designer user interface please?
It has got to the point where it is essentially unusable as soon as you have configured one. You cannot easily see what is linked to a bookmark - the way in which you update them is a complete mystery (you only know if you got it right by testing it repeatedly), and maintaining a report with multiple bookmarks, visibility states, page transitions, data... and now visibility and expanded state of the filter panel... it is just unusable.
This needs to be a comprehensive UI that shows you exactly what is in a bookmark - and explicitly asks you what you want included in it -> not just taking the current state of the report and bundling it together with no visibility on what you just did.