Power BI
CompletedDrill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
Riccardo Muti on 13 Nov 2014 09:59:48
I have a report page with multiple charts and visualizations. Let's say one of the chart shows Sales by Year and I drill down into 2013 to see the sales by month in 2013. Currently, the drill-down has no effect on the other charts and visualizations on the page; they still show data for all years, not just for 2013. Instead, I'd like other charts to drill down into 2013 or filter by 2013 as well.
Administrator on 12 Dec 2017 13:20:43
Well this is exciting! We've just shipped the December release of Power BI Desktop, and I'm very pleased to say we've added the ability to apply filters from a visual when you drill into it. This is now the default for any new visuals; you can turn it on for existing visuals (or disable it if you don't want it) through the Format tab. Look for "Drilling filters other visuals". Hope you like it! thanks!
- Comments (232)
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
PLEASE escalate this. This a make-or-break for us.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
This one is pretty big on my CEOs "need to be able to..." radar. I can't deliver at current. Drill in one widget needs to filter the other widgets.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
a must needed
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
Can't wait to see it working :)
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
A much needed feature
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
One of the biggest gaps for us too, would be awesome to see this done.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
Edit interactions can help to some degree with the cross-filtering actions for several visualizations, but the visualizations often reset each other if there are too many interactions. We often find ourselves reduced to introducing filter/slicer visualizations that take up valuable real estate on the page.
Perhaps it would help to have something that would "preserve current filter context" (append filter rather than replace filter) when related charts are both set to filter their partner.
There might also need to be companion support for the filter pane to back out of some of the drill-down if the charts are set to append filters. As people drill down in some context, it can be helpful to drill up in others. But automatically drilling up creates usability headaches.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
This is absolutely critical - it seems crazy to me that this isn't the default behaviour...
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
It is very important, kindly support in this development
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
I agree that this is an important update. The current flow of cross-filtering is very confusing even when one understands how it's working (or not working), but even more difficult to explain to end-users. It's not at all intuitive and leads to misunderstanding the data being presented.