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Under Review

scheduled export of a report to pdf

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43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65 on 14 Apr 2016 16:25:02

It would be nice if there is an option to have a scheduled export of a report to PDF. A nice to have feature would be to directly e-mail it to people so they are being notified of the latest report.

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Sonali Gupta (administrator) on 13 Mar 2023 08:32:56

Another update on this item - users now have the ability to set up scheduled subscriptions with paginated reports and 6 different formats, along with parameters per subscription to allow further personalization. There is also now the ability to create paginated reports against any Power BI dataset in the service, and we're planning to add drillthrough from Power BI to Paginated Reports in the short term. We still have plans to support e-mail attachments for Power BI reports as well in the coming months, and we'll share more specifics once we get closer to starting that work.

Comments (620)
43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

f76db861 f77e-4bb7-b9fd-f2f61c029592 on 16 Aug 2020 03:54:33

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

Would love this feature!!

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

163b9898 ff38-4990-9525-f11947b720f9 on 16 Aug 2020 03:54:31

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

It would be greatly helpful to have the ability to export a PDF, CSV, .png, etc of different reports that are embedded within websites. This type of web application serves the purpose of a querying tool for colleagues/clients to use key cuts of data in their own software tools.

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

a9c38bb7 decf-49b7-a693-4826b0645c9c on 16 Aug 2020 03:54:27

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

Great idea. In my work would be very useful.

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

5dc3e78d 80d0-4ff8-b584-1856d97d9cd7 on 16 Aug 2020 03:54:18

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

really really need this feature ^_^

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

e2ad8af3 a13a-49d4-a7bf-b19b1f6531a2 on 16 Aug 2020 03:54:15

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

looking for a replacement for SSRS

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

e16fe443 3be5-4942-857b-242e28aca550 on 16 Aug 2020 03:54:10

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

Must Have, please add this feature in Desktop

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

ac643e7c e800-ea11-a811-000d3a4f1ebb on 16 Aug 2020 03:54:08

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

I have asked the team to take a look at this suggestion and if possible update the status

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

55e90c01 fb03-45e7-a78a-5df3a9bf4fae on 16 Aug 2020 03:54:05

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

I agree ..... :(

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

5a10db98 939d-4ba4-8ef8-958b4e0c5b15 on 16 Aug 2020 03:54:03

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

When printing the Power BI Dashboards as PDF the logo png image placed in the report is not getting printed. Please add this feature


43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

c8d3491e 4c27-451b-a040-a1c3ff73343e on 16 Aug 2020 03:54:03

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

My understanding is that this will be possible when Microsoft Flow integration is made available later this year. Is that correct?