43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65 on 14 Apr 2016 16:25:02
It would be nice if there is an option to have a scheduled export of a report to PDF. A nice to have feature would be to directly e-mail it to people so they are being notified of the latest report.
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Sonali Gupta (administrator) on 13 Mar 2023 08:32:56
Another update on this item - users now have the ability to set up scheduled subscriptions with paginated reports and 6 different formats, along with parameters per subscription to allow further personalization. There is also now the ability to create paginated reports against any Power BI dataset in the service, and we're planning to add drillthrough from Power BI to Paginated Reports in the short term. We still have plans to support e-mail attachments for Power BI reports as well in the coming months, and we'll share more specifics once we get closer to starting that work.
- Comments (620)
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
When is the feature expected to be included ?
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
Had somebody ask about why the delivering to the service; and wanted to explain that PowerBI.com is the collaboration solution for PowerBI and the Desktop is the authoring solution
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
User should have the option in Power BI to export current dashboard in Interactive PDF (iPDF).
Interactive PDF can have the following features:
1- Easy to navigate
2- Easy to understand
3- Top navigation toolbar having different buttons allow you to navigate into the report
4- Easy drill down from one chart to another chart
You can see the demo video on the following link
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
Steve asked me to comment on the fact this work is being done on the service not the desktop...moving it back to under review
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
Can this be scheduled to run and save a report as a picture file? I want to run based on given slicers (setup rules in adv for the scheduling) - eg I have a report that multiple cost centre managers use and I wish to auto save based on relevant month filter and also filtered for each user access rights permissioning. If I can save these as à app picture fikes, I can them embes back into management reporting easily etx. I'd be very grateful for any help/advide.
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
Please add interactivity in PDF, we have developed an app that makes a PDF interactive. you can see demo video on the following link.
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
When publishing to a PDF, text in a text box goes from left alignment, to center alignment. I think it should stay the same.
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
Please add this feature in Desktop.
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
I would love to be able to schedule reoccurring emails monthly/weekly/daily of our reports/dashboards to anyone we need to.
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
This is a major issue for issuing reports. MUST! be able to PDF. Many contracts my company is part of contain very sensitive information. It is totally unacceptable to send a file that contains this information. A pdf is our normal avenue of distribution and Power BI does not have this capability