43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65 on 14 Apr 2016 16:25:02
It would be nice if there is an option to have a scheduled export of a report to PDF. A nice to have feature would be to directly e-mail it to people so they are being notified of the latest report.
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Sonali Gupta (administrator) on 13 Mar 2023 08:32:56
Another update on this item - users now have the ability to set up scheduled subscriptions with paginated reports and 6 different formats, along with parameters per subscription to allow further personalization. There is also now the ability to create paginated reports against any Power BI dataset in the service, and we're planning to add drillthrough from Power BI to Paginated Reports in the short term. We still have plans to support e-mail attachments for Power BI reports as well in the coming months, and we'll share more specifics once we get closer to starting that work.
- Comments (620)
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
Trying to link summarized data between dashboards and as far as I know the only solution is to import all data sources again to the new dashboard only to get 2 or 3 lines. If I could schedule data export and import, I could solve this problem with a simple "integration" between datasets.
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
absolutely necessary. Everyone is busy voting on a "completed" idea to print dashboards when this is so urgent!
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
This would be very helpful to have for us as well. We have privacy issues with uploading directly to the Power BI website version and I must use desktop. Need a better way to download at least as a PDF.
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
Yes this is definitely needed. A prospect just brought it up to me last week that in order to be interested in it they need a nice-looking PDF version they can print to give out at meetings.
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
Printing from the service looks terrible and we cannot deliver reports to our client in this way. At this time the cleanest way to provide a pdf is by making a pdf out of a screenshot. We lose detail there as well, though at least we don't have the issue of things overlapping or not showing up the same way they do in the report. I cannot stress enough how important it is for us to be able to provide a professional clean pdf version of our reports. Some of our clients are not willing to take the time to sign up for the power bi service or are generally reluctant to move forward with technology.
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
Printing (to PDF or the printer) from the Service is not a very good solution, even for those who can publish to the web. Printing from the browser uses the browser print function and the output rarely looks like it does on the screen. All our reports look absolutely terrible when printed.
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
Really want this one!
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
Any news on this very important feature ? This will empower really a lot the tool
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
Yes, I need the ability to schedule and export specific field data based on a report/visual structure (selected slicer criteria). This would create the ability to collect and trend the results of dynamic data that has frequent updates or refresh cycles (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.). If it could append those results to a specified format .csv or Excel or .txt file, BI could then be used to schedule import, query and expose that data to users.
RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf
I really don't want to loose votes for must have features.
If we are able to put pictures on report we should be able to print them too...