Shruti on 23 Oct 2015 21:10:00
Please enable Font Color and background color in Text Box that would be very useful
Administrator on 07 Mar 2017 09:05:26
With today's release of the Power BI Desktop, you can now change the color of your font in textboxes. Read all about it in our blog post: If you were looking for the background color of the textbox, you can change this in the formatting pane.
- Comments (71)
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
Please include in the next update!
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
Great analogy Pedro.
What does it say about their prioritization process when something so fundamental, that would seem to be so trivial to fix has been ignored in about 6 monthly releases now ...
There are many inconsistencies in the Formatting capabilities of visuals that are similar to this issue, but this is surely the most obvious.
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
This is what happens when you disband the QA team: An obvious functionality is left out and now we need to vote to get it in...
Imaging having a radio that is always tuned to one station, and that is "by design". If you wish to have the ability to change stations: keep voting ;)
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
This is a basic requirement for a text box...please make this change ASAP!
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
Not sure if they forgot to add this feature. I was surprised when I changed the background of textbox to black and font colour was not changeable.
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
Wow, how seriously can we take this supposed to be awesome tool when we can't even set a font color? Absolutely ridiculous.
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
Had to use the Title of the text box as a work around. However, that doesn't help when you want to add larger blocks to text to a dark background
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
This is so fundamental a need, and lack of response makes is hard to take this iterative process serious...seriously?
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
I just wanted to add my support to this request. If we can get that in before I have to do a demo this afternoon, that would be fantastic. =)
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
As noted by many people here, textbox needs formatting tools, it is simply a waste when we have dark background.