Shruti on 23 Oct 2015 21:10:00
Please enable Font Color and background color in Text Box that would be very useful
Administrator on 07 Mar 2017 09:05:26
With today's release of the Power BI Desktop, you can now change the color of your font in textboxes. Read all about it in our blog post: If you were looking for the background color of the textbox, you can change this in the formatting pane.
- Comments (71)
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
Hi Amanda, great news, thanks! Will this also include the ability to format hyperlinks within Text Boxes? Ideally, in addition to fore and back colours, it would be great to be able to change bold, italic and underline settings too.
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
I'll add to the 60-odd comments and 1100 votes and say that this seems to be a glaring omission. How many more votes are required to get this added to the feature/fix list? The workaround is to use the Title feature which does allow font color setting but seems to be missing actual font selection (might be using default font).
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
Easy workaround, use a shape (Line or anything, line is easier to manipulate as its a simple shape). In the Shape formatting options, have the title enabled. The Title is the place where you can format the Font as well as the background. Use it with any other shape (with send to front and clever use of color options as desired) to create the right labeling etc.
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
As many already have pointed out - HOW can this still be missing?
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
To have a higher chance to be implemented you could move your votes to this similar 'PowerBI Idea':
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
Just ran into the lack of this feature myself. Background color can be changed, but Font color cannot. Please add this feature as soon as possible.
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
This is a big deal... please add
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
Really frustrating that users are unable to change the font color within a text box. As a workaround, I usually just make an empty box and give it a title with whichever color I want. Unfortunately this prevents me from using a specific font or type style.
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
The lack of this feature is incredibly annoying. If I want text in a box that is both broken up with line breaks and with a custom color, the best way to do this is either with multiple text boxes by formatting their titles, or by creating custom text buttons and importing them as images.
For such a common feature, kind of mind-boggling that text boxes can't just include the ability to change font color.
RE: Font Color and background color in Text Box
CanĀ“t anyone please make a custom visual with just a textbox with difrent colors