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Percent of total

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Haydn Richardson's profile image

Haydn Richardson on 06 Dec 2014 03:56:36

In addition to sum, average, min, max etc. I'd like an option in values for % of total

Administrator on 01 Jun 2016 05:13:31

We shipped % of grand total as a part of quick calcs in the May release of Power BI desktop. Next up, % of column and % of row total. Give it a try and let us know what you think. For info on how to use it, check out the blog post covering our May feature releases:

Comments (78)
Haydn Richardson's profile image Profile Picture

3c8708bd 8c37-4ad5-86f5-93b8cca126a4 on 05 Jul 2020 22:22:21

RE: Percent of total

how to perform a custom sort... I dont need Power BI make the sort un logical numbers... i need to sort the chart in diferrent ways

Haydn Richardson's profile image Profile Picture

3c8708bd 8c37-4ad5-86f5-93b8cca126a4 on 05 Jul 2020 22:22:20

RE: Percent of total

how can I display percentage and not whole numbers ? in a chart with measures I created

Haydn Richardson's profile image Profile Picture

18127fa4 8a5b-413d-b941-4eba779f7331 on 05 Jul 2020 22:22:13

RE: Percent of total

Hello Kim, is there a way you can format the totals? E.g. by default, if you enable the totals, it just sums the values in each column.
Now, let's say I have 3 columns.
Total column 1 = SUM of values in column 1 (that's ok, Power BI does it already).
Total column 2 = SUM of values in column 2 (that's ok, Power BI does it already).
"Total" column 3 = Total column 2 / Total column 1.

Is there any way to do this with Power BI please?

Thanks in advance for your kind cooperation.

Haydn Richardson's profile image Profile Picture

58475120 053c-4331-9e8b-3695a05ce4fe on 05 Jul 2020 22:22:04

RE: Percent of total

I was also looking to get the data display in percentage and couldn't find the option, Please let us know when it will be available

Haydn Richardson's profile image Profile Picture

b486fb24 0c64-40b2-92fe-2ba2c27da8c0 on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:41

RE: Percent of total

Great news! When it goes in, will there be the option to turn on / off % and actual value so I can share sensitive information in % without having the numbers next to it too?

Haydn Richardson's profile image Profile Picture

bcb5fafc 4b30-47bf-b6f2-3dcce2fd94f0 on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:36

RE: Percent of total

Great News on the addition! can't wait!

Haydn Richardson's profile image Profile Picture

c9549846 0841-457b-8eb0-9c9d7f87f06d on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:23

RE: Percent of total


Haydn Richardson's profile image Profile Picture

98151ea6 f29d-440d-9951-cbb19c589f08 on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:08

RE: Percent of total

Please also allow the opportunity to create report-scope DAX measures!

Haydn Richardson's profile image Profile Picture

d9ae4ecd e25d-44c9-a187-5da24d57d20c on 05 Jul 2020 22:20:36

RE: Percent of total

Very important thing!, nice idea. This is a common feature already in, for example, donut chart in Excel, where positioning the mouse over the each graph part you can read the percentage of the total.
I would suggest to include a total on the visuals data table you can deploy when you maximize the visual to full screen. Right now only a table with amount is shown, having the option to show subtotals and/or totals as PivotTables would be really helpful.

Haydn Richardson's profile image Profile Picture

8eb7edfc d409-46ba-a8ab-9f424510d973 on 05 Jul 2020 22:20:23

RE: Percent of total

I vote in favor too!