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Power BI User on 09 Mar 2015 02:51:32

Comments (71)
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fa6217eb 7aef-4c2f-8355-ac66caf7c99a on 05 Jul 2020 22:45:47

RE: dbf

The statistics national institute from Peru publish all its data in dbf format! more to say?

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04ab772f bfda-4bf8-83e0-2397cef2d919 on 05 Jul 2020 22:41:04

RE: dbf

I am using VFP 8 to create various sales report, but Power BI tool doesn't support VFP database table.

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cbedb5a6 551a-48b9-b22d-9d46e27cdba2 on 05 Jul 2020 22:38:44

RE: dbf

If basic Excel can do it, why not PowerBI/PQ?

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d4b9b600 873f-4a04-928c-1015356891a0 on 05 Jul 2020 22:37:31

RE: dbf

Is needed . Thanks

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ebc4f709 a5bd-4030-bca0-af136cac37cc on 05 Jul 2020 22:37:16

RE: dbf

Hello and happy new year!

I'm having some issues trying to connect dbf files created in Microsoft Visual Fox Pro, can you help us with supportin order to avoid workaround with the data bases pls

Thank you in advance for your help and keep up the good work.

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fa1e8202 fbf4-4c85-8d6f-c98ec0b3bdde on 05 Jul 2020 22:37:01

RE: dbf

Add support for DBF files to PowerBi!!!!

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0f0d7602 fb48-4ea5-9170-a1ac439e8680 on 05 Jul 2020 22:36:16

RE: dbf

I can't understand how is not possible to connect Power BI with DBF files created by MS FoxPro (specifically V.8 in my case).
Taking into account that FoxPro is a Microsoft product.
Have you got planned to improve this connection in next future?

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af0019aa 9a7e-4776-9021-7b1171cd13bc on 05 Jul 2020 22:32:59

RE: dbf

I have a ton of dbf files which I need to Append - they came with ESRI shape files.

Its hard to explain why you can open a dbf file in Excel with no fuss, yet you cant from Power BI or Power Query.

I've tried the ODBC route, and I can get to the list of tables (dbf files) using Get Data. But when I select any table I always get this error:

Invalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT', or 'UPDATE'

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cf532c55 6577-49be-91f8-b6a349e31703 on 05 Jul 2020 22:28:54

RE: dbf

Easy support for DBF is needed

DBF is still used in some accounting software today (and other sectors). It might not be the most fashionable or trendy data format but a lot a financial data was and still is stored that way. It really needs to be an easy format to connect to.

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98a10864 7d8b-44f6-8ea2-aa96dd9224b8 on 05 Jul 2020 22:16:09

RE: dbf

From: Rick Labs
Sent: Tuesday, February 9, 2016 8:46 PM
To: Power Query v2 Feedback
Subject: Send a Frown - 2/9/2016 11:18 PM

dbase format is poorly supported, and trying to make ODBC work for dbf is exhausting.

dbf connection should be right under the "From Database" drop down.
not there so select ODBC, so ...enter hell

First asked for a connection string.
Oops forgot to tell the user enclose that in single quotes....

'Driver={Microsoft dBASE Driver (*.dbf)};DriverID=277;Dbq=C:\Users ick\Desktop\QGIS\LeonAppraiser\downtown.dbf'

Details: "ODBC: ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified"

Search on the error:

Hummm 48762 views!
Guess a few people have had trouble with ODBC connection strings!

Endless searching and twiddling... hours of time lost.

No problem, call the DBA, call the guy in the glass house, get the system administrator.... Oh, forgot this is "self serve BI" there IS no DBA, there is no glass house, and the user IS the Sys Ad.

Well dbf is dead anyway, right?

Look at ESRI shape files (the defacto map standard around the WORLD, still very much in use today... Military, Federal, State, Local, construction industry, real estate, geo/demographics, mapping.... Every exchange of map data in ESRI shapefile format has a dbf related to the geometry.

you would think PowerQuery would eat this right up. A Use-case:

connect to the dbf
connect to a huge CSV, delimited, or fixed field size text file
Extract from the huge CSV file only those rows that correspond to a row in the dbf
calculate some new fields
output a new CSV file with the enhancements...

dbf is easily read direct in Excel, not exactly an "odd" or "newish" file structure.

opening dbf in all types of open source databa