Sarmad Istephan on 28 May 2015 20:42:47
Add control chart as a chart type. Preferably with the ability to set 'alerts'ing based on various factors such as exceeding the upper limit or 5 positives in a row (even though still within limit).
- Comments (35)
RE: Add control charts
Monitoring the stability of any process (business or manufacturing) is critical. Control charts that automatically recalculate the upper and lower control limits would help users identify when a process has shifted or is trending. This would be a very powerful addition to Power BI!
RE: Add control charts
I agree that adding control charts is essential. I use QI Macros currently; however, would prefer to have all my visualizations built in one place.
RE: Add control charts
Control charts our essential for Quality control in our HealthCare industry. Clinicians need a simple integrated chart, using R is not feasible for their skill set.
RE: Add control charts
Control Charts is number one for predictive analytics. Also eight other points which would be able to choose when needed.
RE: Add control charts
need this! for those that do not know R, R visuals are not very useful.... but I am happy to see the R powered visuals gallery ( and am anxious for someone to share a Control Chart there.
RE: Add control charts
This will be very valuable!
RE: Add control charts
I'm guessing you can create a DAX code or import an R?To create a control or run chart? If so please sign post me.
RE: Add control charts
need it.
RE: Add control charts
I agree this would be useful. User should be able to choose between methods of calculating control limits including by mean (average), median and for those who use is Standard Deviation. I have been trying to figure out how to do this through alternate means and running into a wall. What I would not want is a control chart option where you cannot tell how it is calculating the control limits, and no one seems to know which approach is being used.
RE: Add control charts
I agree. Live tracking of critical X'es would be a very powerful addition to Power BI