Adam Kruzel on 01 Apr 2016 19:39:15
This is an extension of due to the fact that if an idea is marked completed, I haven't yet seen Microsoft checking to evaluate any feedback on that release. I went to use the print button and all the visualizations were messed up on the printouts and there's no way to get a print preview to see if visualizations,etc are situated as they need to be. If there is a way to do this, it's not obvious to the user.
- Comments (40)
RE: Proper dashboard printing
Having proper printing functionality and the ability to fully print a table or matrix is crucial functionality for us, and is currently poorly supported in Power BI.
RE: Proper dashboard printing
Need to be able to print the entire contents of a Table or Matrix!
RE: Proper dashboard printing
Or make the report available in excel
RE: Proper dashboard printing
Users at my company would really like a way to be able to have a readable print out of different graphics on the dashboard or in reports. The current options available on the web print the entire page rather than just the visual -- and often the font is not a readable size. Is there something in development for this?
RE: Proper dashboard printing
Printing to PDF needs to be better supported - the current solution is not acceptable.
RE: Proper dashboard printing
Great application for sure. However, it misses widely because of no printing capability! This really should be a high priority!
RE: Proper dashboard printing
I think there are a few bugs that need to be addressed here. The team has blamed printer functionality as the reason this doesn't work properly. So the next best option is to export high resolution PDFs that can be printed on whatever printer. PDFs of a standard dimension would go a long way to solve this problem.
RE: Proper dashboard printing
This needs addressing and I can't understand why the previous posted idea with nearly 2000 votes marked as complete? The ability to print and share 1 or 2 page reports based on dashboards or PBI reports and bring into meetings is key for most users I can think of.
RE: Proper dashboard printing
any updates to this? printing out a dashboard using a plotter printer is becoming a joke. can we please can a comment on where this is upto. moving to Power BI for our company has been a great move from excel, but people are starting to question is we should go back to the manual days...
RE: Proper dashboard printing
The output of printing is ugly. (Print to PDF in Chrome)
I couldn't understand why MSFT have never fixed this problem