Colin Alan Macguire on 15 Sep 2015 18:48:51
It would be great if slicers were searchable. Many times the list of possible items people can slice by is large, and having to scroll till you find the value(s) you are looking for is tedious.
Please enable slicers to be searchable (much like what Qlik has been allowing for years already).
Administrator on 02 Aug 2016 04:46:53
Searchable slicers are available now in Power BI! Make sure you're on the June release or later of Power BI Desktop. You can find the search box by clicking the "..." menu on the slicer visual and selecting search.
- Comments (73)
RE: Searchable Slicer
Slicer was introduced as great replacement of pivot table filter. The only capability missing is search, I have been waiting for searchable slicer (similar like search in filter) in excel and power bi for quite a while.
RE: Searchable Slicer
This would be a great addition, as well as being able to search, like the Filters in excel being able to add the current search to the list of existing filtered items would also be desirable
RE: Searchable Slicer
I agree that this would be a great addition. One workaround I've used is to create an index for the slicer. Make a calculated column called "index": = left([slicer column],1). Then just add the index column to your report as a slicer!