Colin Alan Macguire on 15 Sep 2015 18:48:51
It would be great if slicers were searchable. Many times the list of possible items people can slice by is large, and having to scroll till you find the value(s) you are looking for is tedious.
Please enable slicers to be searchable (much like what Qlik has been allowing for years already).
Administrator on 02 Aug 2016 04:46:53
Searchable slicers are available now in Power BI! Make sure you're on the June release or later of Power BI Desktop. You can find the search box by clicking the "..." menu on the slicer visual and selecting search.
- Comments (73)
RE: Searchable Slicer
This feature is necessary for me to be able to convince a client to change to Power BI.
RE: Searchable Slicer
Could not agree more. Searching thousands of customers is extremely hard.
RE: Searchable Slicer
I have to totally agree on this. Dealing with this issue now with Customers Slicer
RE: Searchable Slicer
Absolutely necessary for our marketing department. I looked like a fool when I had to scroll through over 2000 postcodes to find the one they were after.
RE: Searchable Slicer
Essential. Search is an area where Power BI is very weak
RE: Searchable Slicer
RE: Searchable Slicer
This is so needed... No way to search through a list of filtervalues now (employees or customer names for example).
RE: Searchable Slicer
A search field at the top (like Power View for Excel) would be great.
RE: Searchable Slicer
This would definitely be very helpful! I use the filter-pane as a starter and from then on use the slicer, as I am very fast with it. I hope that MS will enhance the features/capabilities of the slicer.
RE: Searchable Slicer
I would love to be able to Search in a slicer