Power BI
CompletedDrill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
Riccardo Muti on 13 Nov 2014 09:59:48
I have a report page with multiple charts and visualizations. Let's say one of the chart shows Sales by Year and I drill down into 2013 to see the sales by month in 2013. Currently, the drill-down has no effect on the other charts and visualizations on the page; they still show data for all years, not just for 2013. Instead, I'd like other charts to drill down into 2013 or filter by 2013 as well.
Administrator on 12 Dec 2017 13:20:43
Well this is exciting! We've just shipped the December release of Power BI Desktop, and I'm very pleased to say we've added the ability to apply filters from a visual when you drill into it. This is now the default for any new visuals; you can turn it on for existing visuals (or disable it if you don't want it) through the Format tab. Look for "Drilling filters other visuals". Hope you like it! thanks!
- Comments (232)
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
I too would like synchronization of drill downs on multiple charts.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
Completely agree this is not complete! Need the ability to have the same drilldown effect take place on linked visuals. When I drill to month in one chart, other charts should ALSO drill, not just filter. This should be a radio button in addition to the current solution.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
problem is in the title of the idea, " ... or cross-filter ..." other visualizations, the cross-filter is there but is missing the sync drill-down, this shouldn't be marked as completed
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
I agree with the other comments, this is 50% of the way there. I would like to be able to drill down on one visual and have the others actually drill instead of just filter :(
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
It will be very useful for Data Analysis, for Executive profile perspective.
Normally Directors and Vice-Presidentes in my company are chart oriented, so we can fulfill expectations.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
Totally agree with the comments. The functionality it's related to sync drilling. Filter other visuals is not the same.
This really shouldn't be considered "Completed".
And other important thing it's that we can control theses interactions instead to apply to all visuals as the actual "Drilling filters other visuals" check box does.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
Agreed. This isn't completed yet. Want to be able to drill down through use of slicers.
Love the BI! Keep up the great work!
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
This really should not be considered "completed".
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
I agree with other people. Filtering other visualisations is not the same. You should be able to sync drilling across all the visuals, especially for date hierarchy if the same source column is selected. If I click on a particular year and it drills down to quarters, other visuals show a single bar with the year selected. The desired behaviour is for other visuals to show quarters too.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
This is not the same.