- Comments (36)
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
Need ability to allow end user selection of columns from a slicer visual that adds/removes columns from a table/matrix/bar/column visual.
Slicer with field/columns names Table visual
x A Category A B D E
x B
□ C
x D
x E
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
Have this ability in SSRS to hide conditionally - rows / fields.
Need this ability in power bi. Unable to vote on this however.
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
This would be an excellent feature if it's considered.
With the help of this feature, we can provide dynamic columns selection to end-users.
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
We have quite a few users that want columns hidden from visuals, but displayed in the summarized export in Excel. This feature would help greatly in that aspect.
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
Please also add option to hide valuecolumns for columns but not for total.
For example: I have a Actual vs Budget Matrix. I want to show Actuals on Weekly basis (Dates[Year-Week] in Columns) and compare the total for the month with Budget on Month basis. Currently it adds a Budget valuecolumn for every week in the Matrix. What I want is a Margin shown for every week, followed by Total Margin followed by Budget and then Delta Actual vs Budget. So from left to right; Week-Margin, Week-Margin, Week-Margin, Week-Margin, Total-Margin, Total-Budget, Actual-vs-Budget.
I tried generating blank values with HASONEVALUE and then disable wordwrap and manually hide the columns, but when a different month is chosen they pop back up again.
A menu option that gives control for each Value to show on columns, columns and totals or totals only would be perfect!
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
Please add that feature.
Record containing table visual: date, client name, few other columns with details about this record and column containing notes for each record (logs, comments, snippets of code, etc - limited to 32k characters ...)
Default view:
notes column hidden - table contains about 15-20 records and no scroll needed,
option to show notes column - even single record requires scrolling now as notes column is long text, sometimes with paragraphs ...
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
Need ability to add a button to a report to show/hide columns.
Example: An invoice report where we want ability to let user choose to show amounts with or without taxes included.
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
Please include this option, this really help with creating needed visuals
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
it would be helpful to still have the column in the visualization but be able to hide i