My organisation requires connections to Teradata to use LDAP authentication. This option should be available in PowerBI. It was previously requested in Power Query but is not yet delivered:
- Comments (32)
RE: Connect to Teradata using LDAP Authentication
running this command at the command prompt worked for us.
setx PBI_EnableTeradataLdap true
RE: Connect to Teradata using LDAP Authentication
Hi All, we managed to connect using LDAP Authentication but via ODBC connection :-)
So, this is a work around :-)
RE: Connect to Teradata using LDAP Authentication
My fortune 100 company uses LDAP to connect to Teradata. I would like to see this and I do not want to hold my breath for another 3 years.
RE: Connect to Teradata using LDAP Authentication
Bump - this is an enterprise level issue, can't figure out how it's taken so long.
RE: Connect to Teradata using LDAP Authentication
Please add this so I don't have to use Tableau
RE: Connect to Teradata using LDAP Authentication
Same problem in my customers' environment. When authenticating with Active Directory credentials I get an authentication error. " We couldnĀ“t authenticate with the credentials provided. Please try again." The authentication works with native Teradata credentials. When will Active Directory authentication be supported?
RE: Connect to Teradata using LDAP Authentication
Matt, do you know what security mechanisms Teradata Database source uses?
RE: Connect to Teradata using LDAP Authentication
Still looking for LDAP as an option in Teradata. Any plans for this to be added in a future release?
RE: Connect to Teradata using LDAP Authentication
Still looking for LDAP as an option when using Teradata as a data source. Any plans for this to be added in a future release?
RE: Connect to Teradata using LDAP Authentication
Any word on this?