Clark on 06 Apr 2016 23:28:24
The Gantt Visual should allow greater granularity i.e. include time: Hours, Minutes, Seconds. This should be part of the axis and duration.
An alternative to "Completion" could be an 'actual' input i.e. [Actual Started] and [Actual Ended]. This will show Planned v Actual in a Gantt.
- Comments (43)
RE: Gantt by Time and Planned v Actual
I'm not holding my breath. There are countless requests like this one for visualizing milestones (NOT date ranges) in swim lanes. Yes, there are custom visuals but they only support Start and End dates and they show a time range. We need to mark single dates such a registration date, abstract due dates, etc. and have the ability to add more than 2.
But MS doesn't care. They completely ignore those who might need to chart dates as they pertain to say, clinical trials and a GLOBAL PANDEMIC!
You can chart anything you want in Power BI as long as it financials and just numbers.
RE: Gantt by Time and Planned v Actual
'An out of the box gantt chart is one of the visuals I want most. Every time I try to create a Gantt chart in Power BI I get extremely frustrated. Some features I think it needs:
- Abiltiy to nest tasks under a parent task to multiple levels
- Ability to have multiple records displayed on the same line based on a name column for example. This would should multiple date/time bands on a single row
- Ability to control the color based on conditional formatting, or a value from another field (column or measure)
- Ability to control the zoom level more than just by second, minute, hour, day, week, month, etc. I would like to have zoom in and out capabilities like you do a map
RE: Gantt by Time and Planned v Actual
There is a new gantt chart available with the ability to track actual and planned values -
RE: Gantt by Time and Planned v Actual
We need a standard visual for Gantt charts. Soon, please!
RE: Gantt by Time and Planned v Actual
very much needed based on hour and minutes.
RE: Gantt by Time and Planned v Actual
I agree with these comments, finer granularity os very much needed.
RE: Gantt by Time and Planned v Actual
I would love this in hours minutes and seconds as I do have tasks which take a few seconds and I need to represent that
RE: Gantt by Time and Planned v Actual
I spent sometime looking at the Gantt Chart capabilities of Tableau. We need something similar in Power BI. below links are some videos showing that
RE: Gantt by Time and Planned v Actual
would love to have ability to change bar formatting and add milestone diamonds. also, track baseline vs. actuals, and expand and collapse WBS elements. similar to what you can do in ms project or primavera
RE: Gantt by Time and Planned v Actual
I need hour, grid line and color format