Power BI
CompletedDrill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
Riccardo Muti on 13 Nov 2014 09:59:48
I have a report page with multiple charts and visualizations. Let's say one of the chart shows Sales by Year and I drill down into 2013 to see the sales by month in 2013. Currently, the drill-down has no effect on the other charts and visualizations on the page; they still show data for all years, not just for 2013. Instead, I'd like other charts to drill down into 2013 or filter by 2013 as well.
Administrator on 12 Dec 2017 13:20:43
Well this is exciting! We've just shipped the December release of Power BI Desktop, and I'm very pleased to say we've added the ability to apply filters from a visual when you drill into it. This is now the default for any new visuals; you can turn it on for existing visuals (or disable it if you don't want it) through the Format tab. Look for "Drilling filters other visuals". Hope you like it! thanks!
- Comments (232)
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
This is a MUST HAVE for operational uses of Power BI on mobile. Ridiculous it is still not supported
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
Agreed. If you drill down in a bar chart visualization, eventually you get down to a granular lists. Showing that list as a bunch of bars with "1", filling up the screen is useless. Maybe just allow the drill down capability to change chart type at each level of hierarchy. Then you can format each level how you want to see it.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
I agree, add that feature!
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
PowerBI still has a long way to catch up to Qlik and Tableau
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
Need an update on this, please.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
Any update on this from Microsoft? It has been 'Under Review' since Nov 2014?!
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
If you care about mobile users, like real users, like managers on the go ask them what they miss...unswer is above. Really needed. Giving 1000 votes.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
I have seen a number of calls for this request since 2013. For example:
This behavior is so counterintuitive that it may be a deal breaker for our university. We consider this a very fundamental feature for any dashboard building technology.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
Global filters/slicers would be a nice add. I would really like a way to apply one filter to all pages.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
This request was brought up in the summer of 2013. Is it really still under review and not planned?