Power BI
CompletedDrill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
Riccardo Muti on 13 Nov 2014 09:59:48
I have a report page with multiple charts and visualizations. Let's say one of the chart shows Sales by Year and I drill down into 2013 to see the sales by month in 2013. Currently, the drill-down has no effect on the other charts and visualizations on the page; they still show data for all years, not just for 2013. Instead, I'd like other charts to drill down into 2013 or filter by 2013 as well.
Administrator on 12 Dec 2017 13:20:43
Well this is exciting! We've just shipped the December release of Power BI Desktop, and I'm very pleased to say we've added the ability to apply filters from a visual when you drill into it. This is now the default for any new visuals; you can turn it on for existing visuals (or disable it if you don't want it) through the Format tab. Look for "Drilling filters other visuals". Hope you like it! thanks!
- Comments (232)
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
I agree - this would be extremely useful - perhaps it can be an item that is added via the "Edit Interactions" button at the top to determine how the other charts interact on drill down.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
Just to make sure this new cross filter feature would also solve my problem: Let say I have locations, years, and months. I want to be able to clink on a location, which filter the year data for that location, and then if I click a year, it opens the monthly data for that year AND the originally selected location. Right?
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
I work for a Fortune 200 company and I am considering using Power BI to support our global planning suite of software, and this functionality has me considering other options. Would LOVE to get this.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
Useless Power BI, with limited functional features, But need to meet 100% client expectations.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
Hi Will,
this feature would definitely be a good add-on. Right now we can customize the visual interaction, which is great. If you could add that for the "drill-down feedback", it would be great.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
Our organization recently began testing Power BI and ran into this issue. We have a lot of vertical data and this really proves to be quite confusing for end users. I really hope this is a priority to get fixed in one of the upcoming monthly releases.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
HI Good day, I would like to find out whether this has been addressed or looked at or if there's any work around just yet? - AK
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
Please also add the ability to format/control the "Y axis" value, some time the scale is too large to see the actual value. eg: we have drill down to one level where most of the bar chart show 0M only 1 bar showing 1M.
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
Please add this feature its really import for us
RE: Drill-down should drill or cross-filter other visualizations on the page
We need this feature.