rlansing on 20 Feb 2016 02:11:17
I would like to add a second Values field to a line chart that already has an Axis: Date, Legend: Brand, and Values: $ Volume.
The second field would be $ Volume Year Ago and would be presented in the same color as the Brand but with a dashed line.
- Comments (39)
RE: Line Chart with multiple values fields and legends
This is a must have. And to be able to determine which measure we want the 'legend' dimension to break down.
RE: Line Chart with multiple values fields and legends
We are considering moving from our current BI solution to Power BI and the lack of this feature is a deal breaker for us. It really seems like this should be a basic existing feature and I'm disappointed to not see Power BI already able to do such a basic visualization.
RE: Line Chart with multiple values fields and legends
Any Update on this ?
RE: Line Chart with multiple values fields and legends
Any update on this feature? Seems very basic and it is really frustrating that Power BI does not support this option.
RE: Line Chart with multiple values fields and legends
Need this feature asap!
RE: Line Chart with multiple values fields and legends
we use this type of charts in excel a lot. would be great to have this added to power bi
RE: Line Chart with multiple values fields and legends
Need this for further use
RE: Line Chart with multiple values fields and legends
RE: Line Chart with multiple values fields and legends
How has such a basic feature not been added?
RE: Line Chart with multiple values fields and legends
Any updates on this request? Already requested since 2016 and still no reaction