Colin Alan Macguire on 15 Sep 2015 18:48:51
It would be great if slicers were searchable. Many times the list of possible items people can slice by is large, and having to scroll till you find the value(s) you are looking for is tedious.
Please enable slicers to be searchable (much like what Qlik has been allowing for years already).
Administrator on 02 Aug 2016 04:46:53
Searchable slicers are available now in Power BI! Make sure you're on the June release or later of Power BI Desktop. You can find the search box by clicking the "..." menu on the slicer visual and selecting search.
- Comments (73)
RE: Searchable Slicer
Excellent ! A very important feature indeed !
RE: Searchable Slicer
This feature is the single most important change that can be enabled in PowerBI to support a key soft spot of the platform - data exploration. Please provide an ETA for availability!
RE: Searchable Slicer
Guys, please add this soon. It's a serious miss. Do you expect if I make a report for a CEO they're going to have the time to go through 1,000 lines until they find what they're looking for? Not to mention that the 1,000 lines are not even prepopulated....
RE: Searchable Slicer
Please add this soon, need to be able to slice various data sources by customer, and we have over 10,000, so scrolling will not work
RE: Searchable Slicer
I think this is a serious feature, particularly for high cardinality data sets, where scrolling is not user-friendly
RE: Searchable Slicer
PERFECT idea. Please just make sure that we can turn the search on/off in the slicer configuration, so everybody wins :)
RE: Searchable Slicer
Would be a big win for the slicers which in many cases have long lists.
RE: Searchable Slicer
When status changes from "Under Review" to Planned it would be nice with some comment on HOW the feature is planned to be implemented. There are many ways to implement this function. Quite a few feature requests has been implemented in other ways than the requester intended. This way users can also give feedback to the planned implementation of the feature and MS avoid the risk of building the wrong thing.
RE: Searchable Slicer
Cannot wait to have this feature. Thanks!
RE: Searchable Slicer
Any news?