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Top n filter

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Laura Collie's profile image

Laura Collie on 22 Apr 2017 00:21:19

Top n Filter should be allowed on multiple fields and/or against multiple facts. For example - show top 10 sales people and lowest 10 products (both facts should be true to be displayed). As of April 2017, only one top n filter is allowed, so I'm exporting data to Excel for reporting.

Also, wish Excel could use my .pbix file as a data source for the PowerPivot data model - then i could easily work with any of the data (including all the measures). Power BI is a fantastic tool, but still needs Excel at times.

Comments (99)
Laura Collie's profile image Profile Picture

47c10890 b9ba-403d-8e5b-0f5be8fe367d on 05 Jul 2020 22:51:54

RE: Top n filter

It would be great to take this a bit farther:
- Show the top/bottom n as individual members and group all other
- Show the top x % as individual members and group all others
- Show individuals until the other group is less than the largest individual member
- Group by % (top 2%, next 18%, remaining...)

Laura Collie's profile image Profile Picture

a3309361 99be-ea11-a812-000d3a8ddfb2 on 05 Jul 2020 22:51:53

RE: Top n filter

to solve this for example

Laura Collie's profile image Profile Picture

37635ec5 fc2a-450e-bbb7-20a0e2a455ca on 05 Jul 2020 22:51:40

RE: Top n filter

If I select a top 5 for example, I want also see the Total amounts for the other products. If possible I want this dynamic. So in my table I see the top 5 and “others” with the amount that is left ( Total amount - top 5 amount)

Laura Collie's profile image Profile Picture

c558bad2 0b86-4bbb-8529-474b5a15963f on 05 Jul 2020 22:51:01

RE: Top n filter

Please add Top N filter support for both page level filters and slicers.

Laura Collie's profile image Profile Picture

c031e9cc e2e5-4097-9c8f-6b7b9af18c0b on 05 Jul 2020 22:50:56

RE: Top n filter

Top N filter is available as a visual level filter, but not as a report level filter. It would be much simpler to automatically filter an entire report to the current month by added a Top N filter to the report level filters.

Laura Collie's profile image Profile Picture

0d177426 7c47-4e61-a280-88ae270bbb59 on 05 Jul 2020 22:50:03

RE: Top n filter

Please provide a option to select top / bottom N values in bar charts based on the dimensions.

Laura Collie's profile image Profile Picture

15b2fc10 550e-47b8-8d56-55ac38aa3cbe on 05 Jul 2020 22:49:56

RE: Top n filter

Top N Slicers

Create a Slicers that allows me to say 'Show the top N categories by value', e.g. 'Top 5 countries by sales'
Similar to "Top N Filters". But we need this option in the Report visual for some of our customers.

Laura Collie's profile image Profile Picture

305adcaf 78ba-408a-9189-14ba118c8bea on 05 Jul 2020 22:41:20

RE: Top n filter

Currently, I can only show top n values in any table/graph if I create a measure using DAX. It could be really nice if it was possible to have a "show top n values" in the filter selection pane.

Laura Collie's profile image Profile Picture

fa038dfa 4333-4f90-80e5-06e93b22e8c5 on 05 Jul 2020 22:41:16

RE: Top n filter

Please add Page and Visual level filter by Value.
In the same way as you did it for top n.

Laura Collie's profile image Profile Picture

b7f6a85d b076-4ead-91e0-490b514904eb on 05 Jul 2020 22:40:59

RE: Top n filter

Really desirable